Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This Old House

We were in a Bob Vila place over the past couple of weeks and decided it might be a good idea to fix up the backyard. I was pretty excited as I was dreading the summer--it is going to get hotter and I was dreading spending the pretty summer days in a pee and poo filled backyard with doggies and a sweaty baby. Baby P is not ready for the park that is just around the corner, so I had a feeling we would want to take some jaunts out into the backyard every now and again....I unfortunately didn't have the foresight to take some "before" pics so you will have to rely on your memories and trust me when I reiterate it was a pee and poo filled backyard.

We covered the dying grass dirt with bark, painted the concrete gray, the cinderblock brown, and added some plants. I thought I would try my green pinky (I definitely don't have a thumb) at gardening again. I figure what could it hurt considering that I am at home more now while Baby P takes his naps. In between fighting work fires, I sometimes venture out and water the new plants.....

All in all, it was a lot of work. I basically would feed and play with baby and then put on my work clothes (this consisted of some old sweat pants and a shirt I acquired at a Jimmy Kimmel taping that said, "the more I Jimmy, the better I feel"). It is pretty unnerving, trying to get paint off of your hands as fast as possible so you can head back in and feed baby. My husband definitely did the most work. He is pretty detail oriented and I cannot be trusted with a paint brush. So I just did big brush strokes in certain areas and he made everything look pretty.I cannot believe his ability to paint in a straight line. It is crazy!!

We also added a table and chairs. So now we sometimes head outside and sit with the dogs. I have been trying to introduce Baby P to them and vice versa. Both parties are so mellow, it has been rather uneventful. Unless you count my slight expressions of dissatisfaction when the doggies were allowed to lick Baby P's feet, etc. as he sat in Daddy's lap. I was glad he was sitting with Mike and not me. I don't want Baby P to be afraid of the doggies. And my reaction would probably help promote that. I know their saliva is harmless, but it grosses me out....as I know it grosses everyone else out. Except Mike.
We also got a second doghouse, so now they have matching doghouses. It seems to tie everything together, don't you think?

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