Friday, May 23, 2008

Flavor Friday

Some of you may not be fans of fish....but we have recently fallen in love with tilapia. It is a very mild tasting fish and really easy to prepare. Our favorite recipe is Tilapia Picatta. I have made it a couple of times also suggests to prepare orzo with tomatoes and parsley as a side dish. It really compliments the meal nicely. Enjoy!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Bless This Child

It is probably because I do this routine every day right now that I found this SNL skit that aired over the weekend particularly HI-LARIOUS.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mother's Day

It has been a crazy week--but I thought I would take a few moments to jot down my first Mother's Day. It was pretty relaxing. Church, lunch, and then a nap. A perfect Sunday. Mike gave me a nice card and also a really neat frame with 1 picture of me and Baby P and another picture of Baby P's hand in "mine."

I was studying the photo of the hands, and couldn't figure out a polite way to break it to my dear husband that those were not my hands holding Baby P's. All I could think to say was, "whose hands are those?" Fortunately, he was not offended. It was pretty funny. After some elimination, we realized they were Tante H's hands. Still a very lovely present.

Oh yeah...i got to take a bubble bath. Simple pleasures.

Flavor Friday

Last week the winner was Pork Chops Marsala. You have to like mushrooms and marsala to get into this recipe. I really love both so it was quite delicious. I made it easy on myself and made instant Idahoan mashed potatoes and corn as sides. Find a bottle of red to wash it down with and you are set.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Flavor Friday

In homage to Friday Flotsam and Tater Tot Friday, I bring you a substantially less interesting Flavor Friday--my favorite recipe of the week.

Last Saturday we had Marmalade French Toast Casserole. Three cheers to my mother-in-law for helping put it together. It is a Cooking Light recipe, which is kind of funny because it calls for 6 eggs and more butter than I usually see in their stuff. But it is finger-licking good! It is also pretty easy to make.

You have to make it the night before--which is even more fantastic because then you don't have to worry about waking up blindly the next morning and putting it together. The only thing you need to remember is that it takes 50 minutes to bake. I don't really like Orange Marmalade, but I used it anyway because I am a rule follower (I am not sure what number personality that is). Anyway, when I make it again I will probably use Apricot can really use any jam you like. And for those that don't like nuts--don't add those obviously. :) I served it with turkey breakfast sausages...and those present were not really into them...but I thought it was yummy!


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

too tired to think of a title

Today was quite the juggling act. I had to take care of baby, conduct 2 phone meetings, see the chiropractor, make a sales call, and then make it back in time to feed baby at 430....and then cook a meal for us. It all worked out, but it was pretty mentally draining to switch from role to role in what was sometimes a matter of minutes. Somewhat jarring for the brain to switch gears so rapidly.

At times I felt like I was a superhero, changing costumes (switching from pjs to work gear and vice versa) for the needed task at hand. Except I didn't feel very powerful, just very sleepy.

Somehow I managed to stop in the midst of all that and take a phone call from another "co-worker" (mommy) who needed to vent about the hard night she had with her infant. In the past, I might have ignored the call or taken it at a time that would have worked better for me. But somehow I managed to have a slight bit of perspective that it was important to listen to what she had to say and offer the feeble advice that I have at this stage.

I am again thankful for the balance that Baby P seems to be bringing to my life. I definitely was not expecting for the dueling roles I have going on all day--I know everyday won't be as hectic as this one least for now.

Friday, May 2, 2008

WAHM: Wake Me Up Before You Go Go

Did you know that I am a WAHM? A Work At Home Mom. I must admit, being a closeted George Michael fan, when I found out that was the acronym, I secretly wished it was WHAM. That would be so much cooler!

In any case, I have googled and googled for sites that offer support to fellow WAHMers and could find nothing that related to my specific situation. Thus, besides providing many over thought thoughts here, I will provide any wisdom or tips I may discover on how to work from home and be a fantastic wife and mom. Many of the sites that I found were offering ideas on things that you could do from your house.

I happened to be blessed with a job already, so that didn't really help. And then there was lots of advice on what to do with toddlers when you are working--set up a desk area for themselves in your office or near your office. Make sure your kids understand that you are working, establish phone protocol (meaning explaining to them--DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE). I am thankful that I don't have to start thinking about those things now. God is so gracious in how slowly He moves us from one phase to the next.

So...for those of you that wonder what a WAHM does with an is a transition of learning how to work in shorter crunches. You become more effective because you are forced to prioritize what is important and what must be done immediately. Nursing the baby provides you with time to think about what has to be done next, or to mull over the work issue of the day and determine the best way to resolve it. And the best part is that when work goes to the crapper, and it always does--you have a nice little wake time with baby to make you smile and laugh and forget about whatever happened. My office manager and I are quite enjoying the distraction.

The big challenge for me is to not feel guilty when he has to spend some time in his bouncy seat as I pound out some emails. I have to remember that he is being entertained and stimulated by his animals....and the floor lamp that he seems to get a charge out of staring at. And the mirror. And whatever else comes his way. Like my office manager's face when she says hello to him enthusiastically.

And I need to remember to feel fortunate that I have the opportunity to work from home and to work with people that understand the importance of my new job...I'd write more, but I am already blowing my work time...and see--you still have the time to "waste time" like you did before by surfing the net and playing dumb games on Facebook.