Friday, November 30, 2007

old friends, new friends

Old friends are great. B and I have been friends since 7th grade. We met in math class, 1st period. I asked to borrow her calculator and the rest was history. I never thought we would be pregnant at the same time. It is pretty fun to go through this experience with someone that you have known for so long. At the same time, I wish that we weren't so I could help her a lot more.

Tonight, B and her husband came over for dinner. It was fun to trade stories of what we had all been experiencing. And super comforting to know that someone else out there was going through the same thing.

She definitely has more food cravings than I do. I guess she wakes up at 2 am and wants to eat.

It was fun to talk about our kids becoming friends also. I am excited! (I, showing excitement).

Monday, November 26, 2007

Evil Smooth Edge Can Opener and other thoughts

I know, I know....what a lame blogger I am. I haven't posted in quite some time. Not much to report other than to say that the 2nd trimester is going much better. In fact, it is almost coming to an end. I will have to post a recap of it later.

Tonight I am ranting about the Smooth Edge Can Opener from Pampered Chef. Let me preface this by stating that I love Pampered Chef and own many, many, many items. I have never been dissatisfied...until I bought their can opener. Apparently you need a PhD to use it. I have yet to open a single can--I have excelled at denting quite a few. Here is a picture of the culprit:

A few weeks ago, I was trying to make some chili. I forgot about the can opener and didn't realize my issue until I had to open 5 or 6 cans of stuff. I tried several times to use the thing, looked up information on the internet and I couldn't figure it out. I finally succumbed and asked my neighbor Barry for his can opener. He said that my request to borrow said kitchen utensil was the "strangest request" he had ever received. Duly noted.

I went back with Barry's can opener and happily opened my 5 or 6 cans. I rushed it back to him....only to realize I had missed a couple more cans! I was too proud to go back to ask for the can opener again, so I zipped over to Rite Aid and picked up a can opener for about $5. This one worked good enough.....oh well. Maybe you can only take the idea of being a Pampered Chef so far....